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About spectrum embargoes

An embargo is a notice that we intend to restrict new licences in a band. This happens ahead of replanning the band. 

About embargoes

By creating an embargo, we are placing constraints on spectrum as part of a planning process.

When we create or change an embargo, we inform accredited persons. Anyone can subscribe to receive spectrum updates.

View the list of all current and past spectrum embargoes.

Replanning a band usually leads to us changing how people can use the band.

When we begin to plan changes, we need to make sure  the band remains stable until we finish planning.

We need embargoes to:

  • restrict the number of new services that could disrupt other services already in the band
  • make sure we can use the band in different ways in future

The embargo includes:

  • details of the frequency band
  • date the embargo starts
  • area the embargo covers
  • the time frame for the process
  • instructions
  • reasons for replanning
  • other comments

Embargoes are one of the tools we use in our approach to radiofrequency planning.

How we apply an embargo

We do not consult or provide notice before we apply an embargo. This is to:

  • prevent a large number of new requests to assign frequency
  • keep the band stable

During the planning process, we consult at different stages with existing band users and other stakeholders. We consider the views of all stakeholders before we decide what to do with a band.

Exemptions from embargoes

Where there is a good reason, we may make an exemption to an embargo. Accredited persons can request an exemption from an embargo to apply for frequency assignments when an embargo is in place.

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