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Licence fees for commercial broadcasters

We charge certain fees for commercial broadcasters. These do not apply to all broadcasters

Fees for commercial broadcasters

We have fees for commercial broadcasters. These fees are called commercial broadcasting taxes.

These fees do not apply to:

Fees for commercial broadcasters are detailed in the commercial broadcasting transmitter licence fee schedule.

Pay your invoice

You have 28 days to pay your invoice.

If you don’t pay on time, there are penalties. Our current penalty rate is 20% per year.

If the person who handles invoices in your organisation changes, you should tell us.

How we calculate fees

We charge licence fees each year.

Your first licence fee will be due after we issue your licence and give you an invoice.

We will send you an assessment and invoice on, or soon after, each anniversary of when we issued the licence.

Rebates for commercial broadcasting taxes

The Commercial Broadcasting (Tax) (Transmitter Licence Tax Rebate) Rules 2022 provide for 2 years of rebates for holders of commercial television and radio broadcasting licences that were previously eligible for transitional support payments. These rebates began to be applied on 10 June 2022.

Get help with licence fees

If you have questions about licence fees for commercial broadcasting, email us.

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