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Broadcasting content licences

You must have the correct licences before you broadcast TV or radio programs.

2 kinds of licences are usually needed to transmit TV and radio programs to the public, a broadcasting licence dealing with content under the Broadcasting Services Act 1992 (BSA) and a broadcasting transmitter (apparatus) licence under the Radiocommunications Act 1992.

What a broadcasting content licence is for

A broadcasting transmitter licence lets you broadcast TV or radio programs.

Broadcasting content licences are not required for services that:

  1. only provide data or text (including teletext), with or without images
  2. make a program available on demand on a point to point basis (includes dial up services)
  3. the Minister determines is not a broadcasting service under the BSA. This information is published in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette

Broadcast services may also be issued under a class licence. For more information see Broadcast class licences and Part 8 of the BSA.

Broadcast service licence

This licence option covers services that use the broadcasting services bands:

We plan and regulate these services. If we grant you a broadcast service station licence, we will need to assign spectrum to you. We will print your frequency details on your licence.

You can:

If your service does not operate in the broadcasting services bands, you may apply for a narrowband area service station licence.

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