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Broadcaster compliance with TV content standards

All commercial TV licensees must broadcast Australian content as part of their licence.

Each year, broadcasters need to show if they have met the:

We use the broadcaster information given us to create annual compliance reports.

Read more about the BSA and ACCTS obligations on commercial television licensees to broadcast Australian programs.

Compliance reports

We have developed interactive reports to present the annual compliance results for Australian content on commercial TV.

View our report about commercial television licensee compliance with Australian content standards in 2022. Our report also compares transmission quota and points quota data back to 2017.

View the data quality statement and access the data file for the TV in Australia: How broadcasters meet the content standards report below.



Compliance results

View PDF and Word or Excel versions of the annual compliance results for metropolitan and regional commercial television licensees.

Deemed compliance

Section 121H permits a regional or remote commercial television licensee to be deemed compliant with the multichannel Australian content quota requirement in the BSA.

Similarly, section 16 of the ACCTS provides that a regional or remote licensee can be deemed compliant with the annual points quota under the Standards.

The introduction of the deeming provisions under the BSA and ACCTS recognises that regional and remote licensees can find it difficult to satisfy the Australian content obligations because they rely on metropolitan licensees for content provided through program affiliation agreements.

For regional or remote licensees to be deemed compliant with the obligations under the BSA or ACCTS, the licensee must broadcast Australian content the same as (or more than) the amount broadcast by an affiliate metropolitan commercial television broadcasting licensee across equivalent channels during the same year.

Notices of deemed compliance for regional or remote stations

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