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Draft frequency coordination requirements review work program

Help shape our review of frequency coordination requirements for apparatus-licensed services.

Submissions now public
Days remaining 0 of 29 days
  • 1

    Open for comment

    23 Jun 2023
  • 2

    Consultation closed

    21 Jul 2023
  • 3

    Outcome and submissions published

    02 Oct 2023

Key documents


We have finalised the Frequency coordination requirements review work program 2023–24 paper. The final work program includes our summary and response to the main issues raised in submissions. It is available in the key documents box above.

The submissions we received for this consultation are also available at the bottom of this page.

Previous consultation: The issue

We continually review our spectrum planning technical frameworks to support new technologies and the efficient management of spectrum. An important element of those frameworks is the frequency coordination requirements for apparatus-licensed services which are outlined in RALIs – Radiocommunications Assignment and Licensing Instructions.

This consultation paper outlines – and seeks comment on – the draft program of work that we intend to undertake to update our suite of frequency assignment and coordination rules.

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