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Category of service opinions

If you provide, or propose to provide a broadcasting service, you can apply for an opinion on which category your service falls into.  This process comes under section 21 of the Broadcasting Services Act 1992 (BSA).

Service categories

The service categories under the BSA are:

  • commercial broadcasting
  • community broadcasting
  • subscription broadcasting
  • subscription narrowcasting
  • open narrowcasting
  • international broadcasting

What we consider when reviewing applications:

  • the geographic coverage of the service
  • the number of persons who receive or are able to receive the service
  • the accessibility of the service
  • the duration and frequency of the provision of the service
  • the nature of the audience to which the service is targeted
  • the nature of the programs being provided by the service

An opinion is binding for a minimum of 5 years—as long as the service stays the same. If the service changes from the original application, the opinion is no longer valid.

Publication of opinions

We must publish an opinion in the Government Notices Gazette. The opinion may not be published until the service has begun operation.

Recent opinions


Location of service

Service category determined

Description of service


Crocmedia Pty Ltd

Adelaide, SA

Commercial broadcasting service


View previous radio and TV opinions.

Apply for an opinion

To apply for a section 21 opinion, you must complete the Application for opinion on category of broadcasting service form.

You must pay a $15,150 when you lodge an application. You should make cheques payable to the Australian Communications and Media Authority.

Access to the broadcasting services bands of the radiofrequency spectrum

Opinions that we provide do not permit or imply that the subject of the opinion is entitled to access the broadcasting spectrum.

If you want to use broadcasting services bands spectrum you must have a licence to use the spectrum. If you do not already have a licence, contact us before submitting your application.

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