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Amateur radio – transition to class licence and supporting arrangements

We have new arrangements for amateur radio licensing, qualifications, call signs, charges, accrediting examination assessors and overseas visiting amateurs.

For most amateur operators, no action is needed in the transition to the new arrangements.

Amateur class licence

The Radiocommunications (Amateur Stations) Class Licence 2023 (class licence) commenced on 19 February 2024.

Read the latest information about the class licence.

Surrendering existing licences

From 19 February 2024, we will no longer renew any non-assigned amateur licences. 

If you have a non-assigned amateur licence that was active on 19 February 2024, you can surrender it and operate under the class licence, as you no longer need an individual licence. 

Surrendered licences may be eligible for a pro-rata refund of annual tax already paid. Because the refund amount depends on the date you apply, you should apply for a refund as soon as possible.

If you want to keep your existing licence, you can operate under it until it expires. Once it expires, you will be required to operate under the amateur class licence.

How to surrender your licence

Email your surrender request, including your licence number, customer ID and the date you would like your licence to be surrendered to

View our refund policy.

Revised qualification framework

Under the class licence, we will issue an ACMA recognition certificate instead of an Amateur Operator’s Certificate of Proficiency.

If you have recognised qualifications at the foundation, standard or advanced level, you do not need to apply for an ACMA recognition certificate. This is because you can operate under the class licence with your existing qualification.

Find out more in the amateur radio qualification framework.

Call signs

Active amateur call signs that were assigned before 19 February 2024 remain with the call sign holder. This applies if you had more than one active licence – all your call signs from multiple licences remain with you and your call signs are associated with your highest qualification level.

There are no restrictions on the amateur frequency bands F-series call signs can be used on. If you hold an F-series call sign, you must continue to operate in accordance with the conditions for your qualification level. The ACMA no longer issues F-series call signs. 

Call signs assigned under the class licence (after 19 February 2024) will be specified in a ‘call sign certificate’, issued by the ACMA. 

Read more about call signs, including our call sign policy, which outlines the policies and procedures for assigning, re‑assigning, replacing and cancelling call signs under the class licence.

We have released a call sign register. Under the class licence, an amateur operator’s call sign and qualification level are listed on the register.

Charges for ACMA qualification and call sign services

See the current amateur radio-related fees.

Assessor accreditation

Find out how to apply to be an assessor.

Revised arrangements for overseas visiting amateurs

International reciprocity arrangements for Australian amateurs with advanced qualifications travelling overseas

Read about Australian amateurs operating overseas.

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