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RALI MS31: Notification zones around radio astronomy facilities

RALI MS31 contains the rules to notify the CSIRO when we may assign spectrum to apparatus licensed services. These rules apply to services near astronomy facilities.

Radiocommunications Assignment and Licensing Instruction (RALI) MS31 aims to protect the radio astronomy service. "Radio-sensitive zones" exist around the main Australian radio astronomy facilities. These zones protect services from interference when new transmitters are planned or installed in the area.

The RALI covers services that operate within the frequency bands:

  • 1250 – 1780 MHz
  • 2200 – 2550 MHz
  • 4350 – 6700 MHz
  • 8000 – 9200 MHz
  • 16 – 26 GHz

About RALI MS31 and the CSIRO

We assess all applications for new radiocommunications licences. If we find the new licence may affect a radio sensitive zone, we notify the CSIRO.

The RALI encourages licensees and the CSIRO to find solutions that prevent avoidable interference.

The CSIRO may assess the likely impact of the proposed transmitter. They can decide to negotiate with the prospective licensee for a better outcome for radio astronomy.

The prescribed zones of CSIRO facilities are at:

  • Parkes (NSW)
  • Narrabri (NSW)
  • Coonabarabran (NSW)
  • Hobart (Tas)
  • Ceduna (SA)
  • Tidbinbilla (ACT)

View spatial representations of the zones:

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