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ACMA’s Corporate plan 2021–22

The ACMA’s Corporate plan 2021–22 covers the period 202122 to 202425. It is our primary planning document and positions the agency for the medium term.

This year, we undertook a comprehensive review of our corporate plan. We developed a renewed statement of purpose, reaffirmed our vision, updated our key activities and performance measures, and identified the capabilities we will need in the future.

The ACMA's purpose is: To maximise the economic and social benefits of communications infrastructure, services and content for all Australia through:

  • maintaining, enforcing and improving regulation to drive industry performance and protect consumers
  • managing public resources to enable industry to deliver existing and new services
  • understanding the changing communications sector to inform decision-making.

Our vision is: A connected, informed and entertained Australia.

Our key activities for the next 4 years are to:

  • support an efficient and reliable communications infrastructure
  • build consumer trust in the use of communications content and services
  • use research, data and stakeholder feedback to inform, develop and deliver effective, risk-based regulation.

Our ‘plan on a page’ for 2021–22 summarises key elements of the corporate plan.

The plan is released in accordance with paragraph 35(1)(b) of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 and section 56 of the Australian Communications and Media Authority Act 2005.

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