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Spectrum licensees - know your obligations

This is a guide to the key obligations placed on spectrum licensees under the Radiocommunications Act 1992.

The spectrum licence is one of 3 licence types that the ACMA may issue to a person authorising access to the radiofrequency spectrum in Australia.

An updated version of the guidance is now available, and includes: 

  • updated references to legislation relating to:
    • trading rules for spectrum licences
    • spectrum charges
    • licence conditions
    • the Australian Radio Quiet Zone Western Australia
    • conditions that apply to accredited persons when issuing interference impact certificates
    • the General Equipment Rules
  • updated references to external guidance and standards, including those relating to electromagnetic energy emissions and equipment standards
  • updated information on expiring spectrum licences and renewal considerations resulting from changes to the Radiocommunications Act 1992 arising from the Radiocommunications Legislation Amendment (Reform and Modernisation) Act 2020
  • a slight restructure of the guide.
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