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ACMA compliance priorities 2023–24

We want your input with developing our compliance priorities for our 2023–24 work program.

Now under review
Days remaining 0 of 29 days
  • 1

    Consultation opens

    27 Feb 2023
  • 2

    Consultation closes

    27 Mar 2023

Key documents

The issue

Each year we target key areas for improved industry compliance. These are known as our annual compliance priorities.

We choose areas that are of public interest or issues having a negative impact on the community.

This guides our efforts to deliver effective compliance and, where necessary, targeted enforcement action.

As we develop our compliance priorities for the 2023–24 work program, we’d like to hear about any new issues of public interest or those causing consumer harm.

Have your say

Please let us know your views on any of the questions set out in the consultation paper, which found in the key documents section above.

We also welcome your feedback on whether we should extend any of our 2022–23 compliance priority areas for a further year – and if so, why?

Make a submission

Use the ‘Upload a submission’ button at the top of this page to send us your views. You can also email

Publication of submissions

Read about the ACMA’s policy regarding the publication of submissions.

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